Prof. dr. Oswald Jansen has written more then 300 comments on case law (annotaties). He publishes opinions (columns) on the website of Binnenlands Bestuur (a journal on public administration) as well as blogs on the website of Maastricht University. He is author of several publications on general administrative law, economic and financial administrative law, as well as law enforcement, inspection and regulation, and administrative fines.
Selected publications (in English, French, and German) include:
- Oswald Jansen, Pouvoirs de contrôle et de sanction de la mise en œuvre du droit de l’Union, in: Jean-Bernard Auby et Jacqueline Dutheil de la Rochère (éds.), Traité de droit administratif européen, 3e édition, Bruylant (2022), p. 753-797
- Administrative law rules and principles in decision making of the world health organization during the covid-19 pandemic
Oswald Jansen, Administrative Law Review 73-1 (2021), p. 165-193 - Inspections, sanctions et mésures en droit administratif européen
Oswald Jansen, SSRN-paper, 1 juli 2020 - Sanctions punitives par les autorités locales aux Pays-Bas
In: Rhita Bousta, Nadine Dantonel-Cor, Nicolas Kada, François-Xavier Millet, Thomas Perroud, Laurent Vidal (éds), Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Gérard Marcou, IRJS Éditions, Institut de Recherche Juridique de la Sorbonne 2017 - The presumption of innocence and The Minimum Rights for the criminal suspect
(Chapters 10.9 and 10.10) in: Pieter van Dijk, Fried van Hoof, Arjen van Rijn, Leo Zwaak (eds.), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights Antwerp: Intersentia 2017 - Transnational sanctioning in EU Law
To be published in Jean-Bernard Auby and Marie Gautier (eds.), Extraterritorialité en droit public (working title), Bruylant Brussels (already published as a paper at Academia) - L’administration composée européenne et internationale. Coopération européenne et internationale entre autorités administratives
To be published in Jean-Bernard Auby and Marie Gautier (eds.), Extraterritorialité en droit public (working title), Bruylant Brussels.
Also published as a paper at Academia. A previous version is also published as paper at SSRN. - A few characteristics of the Law of Administrative Procedure in the Netherlands
J. B. Auby (ed.), Droit comparé de la procédure administrative / Comparative Law of Administrative Procedure, Brussel: Bruylant, 2016, p. 101-124 (also published as a paper at Academia) - Silence of the Administration: General Comments and Dutch Law
J. B. Auby (ed.), Droit comparé de la procédure administrative / Comparative Law of Administrative Procedure, Brussel: Bruylant, 2016, p. 623-646 - Collectivités locales et emploi aux Pays-Bas (pdf)
In: GRALE (groupement de recherche sur l'administration locale en Europe) (Ed.), Droit et Gestion des Collectivités Territoriales Paris: Editions Le Moniteur 2015, p. 114-141 (also published as a Maastricht Working Paper) - Le niveau intermédiaire de l'administration territoriale aux Pays-Bas. Le résultat provisoire de réformes controversées
Revue Française d'administration publique, 2015 4(156), 945-958. also published as a paper at Academia) - Comparative experiences for the supervision of regulated sectors: The Dutch Case
In: M. Carlón Ruiz (Ed.), La Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia, Thomson Reuters, 2014, p. 143-184 also published as a paper at Academia) - Administrative Sanctions in the European Union
Antwerp: Intersentia 2013 - The European Composite Administration
With Bettina Schöndorf-Haubold, Antwerp: Intersentia 2011 - Steuerstrafrecht in Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten
With Gerhard Dannecker, Linde Verlag 2007 - Defence rights during administrative investigations. A comparative study into defence rights during administrative investigations against EU fraud in England & Wales, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Sweden and Switzerland
With Philip Langbroek. Intersentia 2007, p. 9-51 - Multilevel Governance in Adjudication and Enforcement
With Aukje van Hoek, Ton Hol, Peter Rijpkema and Rob Widdershoven, Intersentia 2006 - Competition Law Sanctioning in the European Union. The EU-Law Influence on the National Law System of Sanctions in the European Area
With Gerhard Dannecker, Kluwer Law International 2004
More academic publications can be found on the Maastricht University website.
Blogs (in Dutch and English)
- Niet eens met de overheid? Reageer op tijd en dien die zienswijze in!
(October 7, 2020) - Increasing the Legitimacy of the World Health Organization - The Regulatory Reviews
(April 22, 2020) - Procederen in het boeterecht: "Dit procesgedrag is de overheid onwaardig"
(January 30, 2020) - Pay or shame
(November 7, 2019) - Het bestuurlijke boeterecht is inmiddels echt voer voor specialisten
(October 28, 2019) - Case on the Fipronil crisis
(October 21, 2019) - De klokkenluider van Washington D.C.
(October 14, 2019) - Jam v. International Finance Corporation. Het U.S. Supreme Court over de immuniteit van een internationale organisatie
(October 7, 2019)
Columns Binnenlands Bestuur (in Dutch)
- Bestuurlijke strafbeschikking milieu en democratische legitimiteit
(April 20, 2017) - Over alcohol en bestuurlijke ongehoorzaamheid
(February 23, 2017) - Diplomatieke immuniteit en lokale overheid
(January 31, 2017) - Vuurwerkvrijezone toegestaan
(December 26, 2016) - Minachting van de rechter moet worden bestraft
(December 15, 2016)
Blogs Maastricht University (in Dutch)
- Jam v. International Finance Corporation. Het U.S. Supreme Court over de immuniteit van een internationale organisatie
(October 28, 2019) - De as Leipzig-Parijs: de twee hoogste bestuursrechters leggen elkaars bestuursrecht uit
(September 5, 2015) - Raad van State: bestuurlijke boete onderuit wegens discriminatie (etnisch profileren)
(June 9, 2015)
Inaugural speech
Administrative Law and its Territory
Inaugural speech Maastricht University (February 26, 2016)
Inaugural speech Maastricht University (February 26, 2016)